Just Breathe.
So, last week I sat down for a follow up visit with one of my favorite patients, Dawn Westrum. I knew Dawn was preparing to compete in the 2018 Spartan Ultra Beast World Championships in Tahoe. My first question was, “Hi, Dawn… how are you feeling, and how was the race?”She sat there for a moment, and contemplated her answer, and then quietly said, “I won… I came in first”. We both shared a “wow” moment… and then I gave her a big “high-five” as she told me about the grueling 8 hours and 50 minutes it took to claim the world title—she said the next contender was over 30 minutes behind her”.
“She said that she has never felt so strong, running, and that she felt like she was twenty, instead of 40.” She asked me if the changes to her airway had anything to do with how she felt, and her ability to run “and not be weary”, and I said, “likely, yes” “It also helps having balanced hips, shoulders and a strong and efficient neurological status from having a balanced brainstem”
Breathing is in the Brainstem
She asked me, “how do we know its’ changed?” and I said, “we don’t, unless we take an CBCT and perform a 3D analysis—let’s take a 3D image!” So we did!! …and the results were totally amazing!! We literally doubled her pharyngeal volume in just over one year.
Pharyngeal Insufficiency Sign
I had been treating her Pharyngeal Insufficiency Syndrome (super small upper airway) with a combination of Transdermal Atlas Positioning (TAP) and Biomimetic Oral Appliance Therapy (BOAT). She had been feeling the difference and we had only taken the post TAP images immediately following the procedure. It has been thirteen months since we started treatment.
Post Treatment Results:
- A to P: 5.12mm >>> 7.30mm >>> 9.17mm.
- Min. mm2: 22.06mm2 >>> 41.25mm2 >>> 78.25mm2
Airway and Spinal Curvature Immediately Improved on Day One!
13 Months Later
3D Rendering of Airway
150% Change after Biomimetic Oral Appliance Therapy combined with TAP (13 months later)
Thank you Dawn for letting us keep your head on straight, and letting my team remodel your upper airway!!