Next Generation in Health Care

With over 85% rate for positive long-term outcomes, The Lift Clinic fixes the underlying issues not just the symptoms.

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Hitting a Nerve – TMJ Treatment and NUCCA

We need to keep this thought in mind: “The optimal treatment of the jaw joints and occlusion should be performed in the context of a balanced upper cervical spine and head. The NUCCA procedure restores this essential balance. It is clear from clinical experience that TMD disorders, even advanced cases respond well with NUCCA treatment.”

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Healing the body may actually start by healing the mind.

I have come to realize that the body has ways of expressing healing that are not all pixie dust and warm fuzzies. Some of the cleansing/healing processes can be a little itchy-scratchy—and painful. Some can be downright terrifying. Understanding what the body is doing and decoding the symptoms correctly is a key step in healing the mind, hence, keeping the body on track.

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