Mild Chiari Malformation Resolved with Transdermal Atlas Positioning (AO)

Mild Chiari Malformation Resolved with Transdermal Atlas Positioning (AO)

Recently, a patient flew in to see us from Germany. After a Skype interview, and my review of his MRI’s, it was determined that he was suffering symptoms from low-lying cerebellar tonsils, or, cerebellar tonsillar ectopia. This is not traditionally considered...
A Reversal of the Neck Curve — When “Common” Becomes the Norm

A Reversal of the Neck Curve — When “Common” Becomes the Norm

Have you ever wished that you could turn back the hands of time? Imagine stepping out side after a cleansing rain storm and seeing an up-side-down rainbow, resting like an immense singing bowl on the Earth, rather than an arch above it. You would know that something...